Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Our career contribute to main activities in our life. The selected career will contibute how much money we earning everyday, how many hours we have to spent our time, how effective we gain a new knowledge, how much extra time we can give to our family, friends, hobbies, holidays, life enjoy and others. The career of our self will determine our daily activity for today and future. To be a smarts person in career selection, we must know a few items :

How much the maximum income with our qualification.
How much powerfull our resume preparation.
How far we looking for the job for our self.
How to facing with interview person.
How to proof we qualified to the job applied.
How to work from home.
How to be our own boss.
How to do something suitable to our personality.
How to earn salary/money from our hobbies.
How to earn income together with our family.
How to enjoy with our career.
How to make everybody get benefit from our career.
All the mentioned items need to make small detail analizing to ensure that what we do was in right and meet the career goal setting.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Smarts - Categorised everythings in order. Meaning that everything to be done in proper plan or schedule, everything on going according to plan or schedule and everything has be done is accurate to goals setting.
Life - I'm refer to our life or people life.
SMARTSLIFE - Excelent achive on goal setting.
Refer to people's daily activities many items have to do start on day one until back to heaven either onplan or unplan.Everybody setting the goals on excelent target but the really achivement would be accordingly to target, down on the middle and sometimes down on the first step.
Smartslife not similar to working hard for life buts it's look like as familiar to do something even on first time facing. We cant understand or took conclusion that the meaning of smarts life in generally because its should be different accordingly to the items.For example working smart not same to learning smart and learning smart not similar to eat smart.We can mentioned that smarts meaning only same on concept, not on actual behaviour for different items to be done.
The smarts way should be apply on our daily activities in career, education, relationship, sightseing, travelling, hobbies, bussiness and everything............in hour life. I'm will narrow down the smartslife on next posting......thank you.